The Agile Badger Illustrations: Which Pit Bull would you pet?
All images are Copyrighted and cannot be downloaded or reproduced without permission of K. Curtis Shontz.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Which Pit Bull would you pet?

(Loosely to the tune of the beloved Sesame Street song, "One of these things"):

One of these Pit Bulls is not like the other.
One of them's happy and the other one scowls.
Can you guess which Pit Bull is feeling much better,
Before the angry one growls?
And now the angry one's growled..."

Funny how really good clients can point out subtleties that I somehow missed. My first attempt at drawing this client's Pit Bull for a logo I'm developing with Justin Kite, turned out to look meaner and angrier than what the client wanted to express. I was going for "tough and strong," but I guess I ended up with "pissed off." And a pissed-off pit bull is not the message we want here, kiddies. So, I reworked the eyes and the mouth, and softened the sharp shadows.

Still, I don't think I'd try snagging a bone from either one's mouth.


Anonymous said...

Did you end up with 'not so pissed off, but boss-eyed?' :D


Well, no. We're not going with either one, actually. We're still monkeying around with the whole look. I'm getting ready to post our new direction soon. Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

very good i like your art


Why, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Could you draw a very muscular Pit Bull with a barbell in his mouth? Add lots of weight to the bar ( bar bending ) and somehow work in the fact that he just ate/destroyed The Underdog? It's for my Powerlifting team called the Overdogs.........

Mauro said...

i just created a blog of pitbulls

Unknown said...

how do you draw that good

Anonymous said...

i love pitbulls

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