The Agile Badger Illustrations: 04/14/08
All images are Copyrighted and cannot be downloaded or reproduced without permission of K. Curtis Shontz.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm on Myspace now, and I'm not ashamed.

So for years, I puzzled as my teenage daughter frittered away hours on her page, conversing feverishly with friends from every corner of the globe. Thankfully, we made it through those years without so much as a peep from sexual predators, would-be boyfriends with borderline personality disorders, or polygamist cult recruiters. If there were any such peeps, I never heard about them.

I'm sure I rolled my eyes more than once at her near obsession with the look of her profile or whether her face was clearly visible in the mosh-pit photo. But now, in a bizarre twist of fate, I now have a myspace page of my own. What's worse, I catch myself checking it several times a day, updating my "mood" and eagerly scanning my messages and bulletins to see what my friends are up to. So far, it hasn't interfered with my personal or work life. But I have noticed that I'm starting to use the words "like, y'know" a lot more often. I've even considered posting one of those arms-length, emo-ridden self portraits to, like y'know, show the deeper, thoughtful side of me.

I tell myself it's a marketing tool - and it is. But it's also damn fun. So, like, go check it out. So, um, yeah.

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