The Agile Badger Illustrations: 01/15/08
All images are Copyrighted and cannot be downloaded or reproduced without permission of K. Curtis Shontz.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Finally Deep-Sixed the Box

My wife finally convinced me; our TV has been disconnected from its source, and as a result, I've been disconnected from what she loathingly calls "the brain-sucking device." She's right, and I know it.

I haven't had much reason to watch the damn thing recently. Spare time was something reserved for my bachelor days. And now that I'm remarried, I find most of my time is devoted to blending my new family, worrying about my daughter at college, tending to my fledgling illustration business, maintaining my architecture career, drumming, playing guitar, and oh yes, eating and sleeping (although I often find the eating part is disturbingly optional when the other activities are in full motion).

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I think what finally convinced me to agree with She-Who-Shall-Pull-The-Plug was the one-and-half hour of TV watching we engaged in last Sunday night., what a load of crap we saw paraded before our astonished eyes. I guess I'd been away from that monstrous machine long enough to have forgotten how awful televised entertainment has become. The time lapse of six months or more allowed me to see television programming with fresh eyes. It sucked, and sucked hard. And to top it off, I was paying $39.95 a month keep it available to me 24/7.

I think Rule No. 1 of happy living should be, "Never pay money to keep something around that either sucks or that you don't use. Terminate with extreme prejudice if it falls into both categories."

If any of this resonates with you, maybe you'd be interested in reading The 9-Step Television Diet in the amazing website.

Back to the drawing board.

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